Docker desktop download windows 10

Docker desktop download windows 10

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Docker desktop download windows 10


First, make sure you are using Windows Containers. Then from the command line, type. You can replace the default page with your own content by copying a file into the container. You need to stop the container first:. Next, in your favorite text editor, create a file called index. Something as simple as.

You have created a web server without installing the web server. Docker took care of the dependencies. The last step used a Docker image which Microsoft publishes and maintains. Next step, create your own custom image. No extension, just Dockerfile. Paste in this code and save the file:.

Instead of manually copying a file into the container, you will create an image with your HTML already inside it. To build the image, in your terminal, type:. That tells Docker to build in the context of this directory.

Then you can go to hub. Easily connect multiple services together Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration.

Docker Compose installs automatically with Docker Desktop. A multi-container app is an app that has multiple containers running and communicating with each other. This sample uses a simple.

You can check out the app in our dockersamples GitHub repo. Docker Compose handles service discovery directly, allowing the app to reference the service directly and Docker will route traffic to the right container. To try it out, open a text editor and paste the text from this file. Then save it as docker-compose. To run it, open a command line and navigate to the same directory as the docker-compose.

At the command line, type. You will see a bunch of commands go by as it pulls images from Docker Hub and then starts them up. You should see a music album viewer. Swarm does support Windows containers, but they are much bigger and will take longer to pull. While it is easy to run an application in isolation on a single machine, orchestration allows you to coordinate multiple machines to manage an application, with features like replication, encryption, load balancing, service discovery and more.

If you've read anything about Docker, you have probably heard of Kubernetes and Docker swarm mode. Docker Desktop is the easiest way to get started with either Swarm or Kubernetes. A swarm is a group of machines that are running Docker and joined into a cluster. The machines in a swarm can be physical or virtual. After joining a swarm, they are referred to as nodes. Swarm mode uses managers and workers to run your applications. Managers run the swarm cluster, making sure nodes can communicate with each other, allocate applications to different nodes, and handle a variety of other tasks in the cluster.

Swarm uses the Docker command line or the Docker Compose file format with a few additions. Give it a try with a few simple steps. First, copy the contents of this file into a file called docker-stack-simple. You should see a command you could copy and paste to add another node to the swarm. Docker will tell you that it is creating networks and services.

You can see all stacks running on your Swarm by typing. This will show you the 5 services, all with 1 replica. So what happened? With the simple compose file format you created a application that has 5 components:. Now, click on localhost to vote. You can vote for cats or dogs, whichever you like better.

On localhost you can see the results of the vote. Open up different browsers to add in additional votes if you want. Load localhost again. Now add a replica:. Once it is done verifying, reload the page a few times and see the container ID rotates between three different values.

Those are the three different containers. Even if they were on different nodes, they would share the same ingress and port. Kubernetes does not yet support Windows containers. Kubernetes installation is easy with Docker Desktop. The first time you enable Kubernetes in the settings, it will install seamlessly. Directions are below. Kubernetes deployments tend to be more complex than Docker Swarm, and there are many component types, including Pods, Deployments, Services, and more.

You can find details over in the Kubernetes documentation , but follow directions here to deploy your first Kubernetes application locally. We will use the Kubernetes Wordsmith Demo. Wordsmith is the demo project shown at DockerCon EU , where Docker announced that support for Kubernetes was coming to the Docker platform.

First create remove your old docker-compose. Also create a new file called kube-deployment. Docker lets you use the simple Docker Compose file format to deploy complex applications to Kubernetes. You can deploy the wordsmith app to the local Kubernetes cluster using docker-compose.

First check whether Kubernetes is installed and running. Open up settings from the Docker Desktop menu and select Kubernetes. Make sure Enable Kubernetes is checked, and that Kubernetes is the default orchestrator for docker stack commands. If this is the first time you have enabled Kubernetes, it may take a little while to download and install. Docker Desktop includes the kubectl command line, so you can work directly with the Kube cluster.

Check the services are up, and you should see output like this:. Check the pods are running, and you should see one pod each for the database and web components, and five pods for the words API - which is specified as the replica count in the compose file:. Each time you refresh the page, you'll see a different sentence generated by the API calls. You can deploy the same app to Kubernetes using the Kubernetes manifest. That describes the same application in terms of Kubernetes deployments, services and pod specifications.

Alternatively, you can leave the Docker stack deployment running and create a second deployment in a new Kubernetes namespace. Getting Started with Docker Desktop for Windows The easiest way to create containerized applications and leverage the Docker Platform from your desktop Get started now.

Overview Thank you for installing Docker Desktop. Here is a quick 5 step tutorial on how to use. We will walk you through: Running your first container Creating and sharing your first Docker image and pushing it to Docker Hub Create your first multi-container application Learning Orchestration and Scaling with Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.

Step 3: Run a Multi-Service App Easily connect multiple services together Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. At the command line, type docker-compose up -d.

Then, from the command line in the same directory as that file, type the following commands. The demo app runs across three containers: db - a Postgres database which stores words. Want to learn more?



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